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The 1962 Holtkamp Memorial Organ Opus 1739 with three manuals and 71 ranks in the main sanctuary. In the Meetinghouse is a smaller two manual and several rank Moller Organ is housed in Woodruff Chapel. The organs are expertly cared for by the A. Thompson Allen organ company of New Haven, CT (also the curators of the organs of Yale University).
The console of the Holtkamp organ is original, and two major renovations have taken place in 1990 and 2015. While improvements were made to the pipework, and electrical connections, the console remains original and will need replacement sometime in the next couple years. The full stop list for the this organ is listed as an image.
The Woodruff Chapel Moller Organ is perfect for the chapel setting, filling the room with just enough sound.
Recent AGO Programs
2021 Virtual Pipescreams Concert