Executive Committee Meeting and Chapter Potluck Supper
The first Executive Committee Meeting for the 2011-2012 season will start at 2:30 PM at the home of RoseAnne Homola, followed by a Pot Luck Supper for all Chapter Members. RSVP with what you will be bringing.
10th Annual Pipescreams Concert
Join us! Tell your friends! Where else can you enjoy 200+ singers from 6 area choral groups along with some of the finest musicians in the area in this annual entertaining concert of Halloween-theme, Broadway, & other recognizable music pieces, including another 1920's short silent film accompanied by David Harris at the mighty pipe organ?
A Community Ring
Stratford United Methodist Church, Stratford, Rev. Meg Williams, Carole Fanslow, hosts. Workshop, Lunch, and Concert; Rick Wood, Director of "Chime In! Music with a Mission" is Clinician.
Scholarship Winner Concert & Annual Dinner
First Congregational Church, Norwalk, CT, Flora Major host. Celebrate the new, large 3-manual Austin console and upgrades. Come for dinner and to hear our 2011 M. Louise Miller Scholarship Winner Mary Pan.Sunday, June 10, 4:00 PM, followed by the Chapter Annual Dinner. $25/person - recital and dinner. RSVP June 3 for dinner.
For any questions on our 2018-2019 programs please contact Bernadette A. Allan.