Calvary St. George’s Episcopal Church, Bridgeport

755 Clinton Avenue, Bridgeport CT Get directions Visit Website

1967Casavant Tracker II/26 ranks

The organ is in a gallery-level case at the rear of the room. Traditional style console. There is an attached keydesk en fenêtre. Two manuals. 3 divisions. 18 stops. 18 registers. 26 ranks. 1240 pipes. Manual compass is 56 notes. Pedal compass is 32 notes. Slider chests. Mechanical key action. Mechanical stop action.

Drawknobs in vertical rows on flat jambs. No enclosed divisions. No combination action. AGO Standard (concave radiating) pedalboard. Coupler reversible toe studs.

Opus 2915 Stoplist/# of pipes

8′ Prinzipal 56
8′ Rohrflöte  56
4′ Oktave 56
4′ Waldflöte 56
2′ Flachflöte 56
IV Mixtur 224
8′ Trompete   56
8′ Gedackt 6
4′ Spitzflöte 56
2′ Prinzipal 56
1 1/3′ Quinte 56
II Sesquialtera 88 tc
II Zimbel 112
16′ Subbass 32
8′ Prinzipal 32
4′ Choralbass 32
IV Mixtur 128
16′ Fagott 32

Recent AGO Performances

2010 Pipe Organ Encounter – Practice Facility