Our Sponsors

Interested in Being A Sponsor? We Need Your Help

The ticket revenues and free-will donations to our concerts and educational programs rarely cover the event costs. There are many opportunities to help our chapter including:

  • Being an advertiser on the Greater Bridgeport AGO website and in our annual Pipescreams Concert that draws the attention of the entire Greater Bridgeport area and surrounding towns because of the 200+ area performers and noted musicians. Net proceeds from this annual concert supports the M. Louise Miller – Paul E. Knox Scholarship Fund and the annual competition for $4,000 awarded to a gifted musician studying organ in an American university.
  • Donating in-kind services for events – printing, food, help, program venues, copying,  rehearsal/performance locations
  • Contributing to helping area underwriting the costs of paid services – security, recording, additional instrumentalists, music, etc.

Thank you in Advance

Donations or payments of can be made online by clicking here.

Checks can be made payable to the Bridgeport AGO, and sent to Dr. Frank Martignetti, 50 Lewis Drive, Fairfield, CT 06825. All donations are tax-deductable. This is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

For more information on how you can help with funding and development needs, please contact John Polo,

We are very grateful for long-time supporters of numerous Greater Bridgeport AGO Chapter Events.


Greater Bridgeport Symphony, Bridgeport, CT – Subscriptions/tickets
First Church Congregational Fairfield, CT – Major concerts
Sacred Heart University , Fairfield, CT – Major concerts
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT – Meetings and workshops. 

Choral Groups

Connecticut Chamber Choir, Trumbull, CT – ticket donations; Choral Conducting
Fairfield County Childrens Choir, Norwalk, CT – ticket donations; Pipescreams participation
Fairfield County Chorale, Fairfield, CT – ticket donations
First Church Fairfield Music Series, Fairfield, CT – ticket donations
First Church Stratford Rose Window Series, Stratford, CT – ticket donations
Mendelssohnn Choir of Connecticut, Fairfield, CT – ticket donations; Choral Conducting
Sacred Heart University 4-Heart Harmony/S.H.U. LOVE, Fairfield, CT – Pipescreams participation; Choral Conducting
University of Bridgeport University Singers/Chamber Singers, Bridgeport, CT – Pipescreams participation; Choral Conducting

Organ Builders

Foley-Baker, Inc., Tolland, CT – quality pipe organ services