The American Guild of Organists (AGO) is the preeminent and only professional organization in the U.S. dedicated 100% to the education and needs of the organist.The AGO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of 13,000 individual members associated with 275+ local geographic chapters.
The purpose of the American Guild of Organists is to promote the organ in its historic and evolving roles, to encourage excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and to provide a forum for mutual support, inspiration, education, and certification of Guild members.
Each chapter carries out the mission of the Guild in its geographic-specific area by offering local programs to its members and the public. In addition, the Guild, through its local chapters, sponsors regional and national conventions, competitions and other events.
To Learn More
Visit the National AGO Website to learn more about the Guild’s many education and other member services.