70 Gulf Street, Milford, CT Get directions Visit Website
Jean Pierre Dumont, Director of Music
The Saint Mary parish pipe organ was dedicated on April 26, 2007, in a recital featuring Ezequiel Menendez and the St. Mary Church Adult Choir. The installation of this organ was a project years in the making and relied on the expertise and generosity of countless members of our parish community. The memorial plaques by the organ loft stairs list over 400 church members who donated to the Organ Fund.
Designed and built by Casavant Frères, organ builders based in St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, the instrument is comprised of 2,107 pipes. They are distributed among 4 divisions: the Grand Orgue is placed at the front of the rear gallery rail, and includes a trompette-en-chamade which protrudes horizontally into the room; the Récit is enclosed within two boxes located on either side of the rose window; the Pédale sits at the rear of the gallery, with many pipes so large they lie on their sides; and lastly, the Antiphonal division hangs from the ceiling at the front of the church.
The organ was designed to be equally at home in service playing and concert settings. The antiphonal division helps to pull the sound together and better support congregational singing in our long nave. At the same time, the variety and disposition of stops make for an instrument that can successfully execute any of the organ’s vast repertoire. The organ is heard each weekend at the Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM Masses, in addition to Holy Days and Concerts throughout the year.
Parishioners and visitors who wish to see the organ in operation are encouraged to visit the organ loft after the above-mentioned Masses or contact our Music Director for a guided tour of this magnificent instrument.
Casavant Frères Opus 3863 Stoplist
Grand-Orgue | |
Bourdon | 16ʼ |
Principal | 8ʼ |
Montre | 8ʼ |
Flûte à cheminée | 8ʼ |
Flûte harmonique | 8ʼ |
Prestant | 4ʼ |
Flûte à cheminée | 4ʼ |
Sesquialtera II | |
Fourniture IV | |
Tremblant | |
* Basson | 16ʼ |
* Trompette harmonique | 8ʼ |
* Hautbois | 8ʼ |
* Trompette-en-chamade | 8ʼ |
Récit | |
Flûte majeure | 8ʼ |
Salicional | 8ʼ |
Voix céleste | 8ʼ |
Octave | 4ʼ |
Flûte ouverte | 4ʼ |
Flûte octaviante | 4ʼ |
Nazard | 2 2/3ʼ |
Octavin | 2ʼ |
Tierce | 1 3/5ʼ |
Plein-Jeu III-IV | |
Basson | 16ʼ |
Trompette harmonique | 8ʼ |
Hautbois | 8ʼ |
Tremblant | |
* Trompette-en-chamade | 8ʼ |
Antiphonal | |
Principal | 8ʼ |
Flûte Bouchée | 8ʼ |
Octave | 4ʼ |
Doublette | 2ʼ |
Mixture III | |
* Hautbois | 8ʼ |
* Trompette harmonique | |
* Trompette-en-Chamade | 8ʼ |
* Trompette-en-Chamade | 16ʼ |
Pedalé | |
Résultante 3 | 2ʼ |
Contrebasse | 16ʼ |
Soubasse | 16ʼ |
Octavebasse | 8ʼ |
Flûte | 8ʼ |
Octave | 4ʼ |
* Flûte à cheminée | 4ʼ |
Superoctave | 2ʼ |
* Bombarde | 16ʼ |
* Basson | 16ʼ |
* Trompette-en-chamade | 8ʼ |
* Trompette | 8ʼ |
* Clairon | 4ʼ |
* Hautbois | 4ʼ |
* = borrowed from another division
Electro-pneumatic action. 32 level memory system with 8 general pistons and 24 divisional pistons. 10 couplers. 8 stage Expression Pedal. 4 mode programmable Crescendo Pedal.
Recent AGO Performances
2010 Pipe Organ Encounter – Rehearsal Facility