3rd Community Choral Festival

March 30, 2014 4:00 PM

United Congregational Church, Bridgeport, John Michniewicz, John Polo, hosts. Reception follows.

Enjoy the audio clips from this wonderful performance.

(Give the audio files a few seconds to load – it’s worth the wait)


Prelude – Cortège et Litanie -Marcel Dupre; Frank Zilinyi, organist

Improvisation-Praise to the Living God-Tune: Diademata; Dr. John Michniewicz, organist

*Processional Hymn #8 (black hymnal) – Praise to the Living God -George Elvey; Galen Tate, director; Dr. John Michniewicz, organist

Cantique de Jean Racine-Massed Choir -Gabriel Faure; Tom Brand, conductor; Dr. John Michniewicz, organ

How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place-Massed Choir –Johannes Brahms; Dr. John Michniewicz, conductor, Frank Zilinyi, organ

One Thing Remains -Norma Pfriem Children’s Choir (NPCC) -Jay Rouse; Dr. John Michniewicz, director

We Rise Again United Congregational Church Chancel and NPCC Choirs -Gogol Bordello; Becky Craig, soprano soloist, Dr. John Michniewicz, director

*Hymn #32 (black hymnal) – God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale -Carl Schlak; David Harris, organ

Blessed Assurance, Mighty to Save, Let it Rise – Nichols United Methodist Church Praise Team – Janette Pond, song leader, Gregory Horton, director/accompanist

Let Us Love One Another from Three Epistle Motets; Velum templi -Paul Nicholson; St. Theresa Church Petite Choir – Dr. Carolina Flores, director

Word, equal to the Almighty, our only hope, Eternal light of the earth and the Heavens;
We break the peaceful night’s silence, Divine Saviour, cast your eyes upon us!
Spread the fire of your mighty grace upon us May the entire hell flee at the sound of your voice;
Disperse from any slothful soul the drowsiness Which induces it to forget your laws!
Oh Christ, look with favour upon this faithful people Which has now gathered to bless you.
Receive its singing, offered to your immortal glory,
And may it leave with the gifts you have bestowed upon it!

*Hymn #21 (black hymnal) – God Reigns o’er All the Earth Traditional; Dr. Aymeric Dupre la Tour, organ

O’ Clap Your Hands-Massed Choir –John Rutter; Dr. Carolina Flores, conductor; Galen Tate, organ

Praise His Holy Name-Massed Choir -Keith Hampton; Frank Martignetti, conductor; David Harris, piano, Dr. John Michniewicz, organ (B3), Tony Procaccini, bass guitar

Spiritual Medley -arr. Dr. Joe Utterback; Dr. Joe Utterback, piano

God Bless America – Vocal Joy (United Girls Choir) -arr. Tom Brand; Tom Brand, director

Recessional Hymn #17 (black hymnal) – To You, O God, All Creatures Sing -Geistliche Kirchengeson; Dr. John Michniewicz, conductor, Galen Tate, organ

Postlude – Toccata from Suite, Op. 5Maurice Durufle – Dr. Aymeric Dupre la Tour, organ

Planning the Choral Festival (the preparation history and music used for this event)

If you are wondering what is a massed choir or a community choral festival, enjoy the many photos, videos, audio and program from the 2nd Community Choral Festival held in March of 2010 – Click here.

We are thrilled to plan another extraordinary and inspiring concert that brings together the musical eco-system of the Greater Bridgeport American Guild of Organists, The Connecticut Chapter of the American Choral Directors Association, the many church choirs in Bridgeport and surrounding towns, and choral ensembles from throughout the area. What do we have in common? The love of music through singing.

We welcome well-known guest conductors and musicians that add to making this a very special concert. – Dr. Carolina Flores, Frank Martignetti, Tom Brand, David Harris, Dr. John Michniewicz, Galen Tate, Dr. Joe Utterback, Dr. Aymeric Dupre la Tour and Frank Zilinyi.

This collaboration is both a fun musical event and is dedicated to supporting the great work of the Norma F. Pfriem Urban Outreach Initiatives, Inc., a partnership with the United Congregational Church, that is providing food, clothing, suppers, after-school, and other support programs helping the underserved residents in Bridgeport’s South-end. We are sincerely grateful to everyone that participates, donating their time and talents to this cause. Suggested donation will be $10 per person and children under 12 years old free.

Read on to review this year’s music to be performed.


Calling All Singers, Choral Ensembles!

Please contact John Polo if you would like to perform with us. The choir festival is open to both church, area singing ensembles and individual singers as well!

The actual program will run 1:15 followed by a reception. The individual choirs are encouraged to learn the pieces before the final two massed choir rehearsals. There are two pre-concert rehearsal dates for the massed choir – Sundays March 9 and March 23, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM. Individual performing groups can plan to rehearse in the space during either of those rehearsal dates as well. The day of the concert, all singers should be at the church at 2:30 pm. We’ll have a short rehearsal to conquer logistics getting to/from the choral risers and our seats.

Plan to have lots and lots of fun making music!

We sure don’t expect snow but just in case, the snow date would be Sunday April 6 at 4:00 PM.

Music for this Program

The massed choir anthem music, a sample YouTube video of the piece and rehearsal aids follow:

Cantique de Jean Racine
Gabriel Faure – Broud Brothers; Tom Brand, conductor; Dr. John Michniewicz, organist
Rehearsal Aid – Performance with score
Rehearsal Aid – Each part by itself (tenor is here, links for others included)
Rehearsal Aid – Pronunciation

How Lovely is thy Dwelling Place
Johannes Brahms – G. Schirmer, Inc; Dr. John Michniewicz, conductor; Frank Zilinyi, organist
Rehearsal Aid

O Clap Your Hands
John Rutter – Oxford University Press; Dr. Carolina Flores, conductor; Galen Tate, organist
Rehearsal Aid

Praise His Holy Name!
– Keith Hampton – Earthsongs; Frank Martignetti, conductor; Dr. Joe Utterback, piano

Hymns/Parts/Descant: (the music for each Hymn is at the links below)- New Century Hymnal

#8 – Praise to the Living God – G. Elvey, Tune: Diademata, Improvisation/Processional, Dr. John Michniewicz, organist

#32 – God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale– C. Schalk, Tune: Roeder; David Harris, organist

#21 – God Reigns o’er All the Earth – Traditional, Tune: Terra Beata; Dr. Aymeric Dupre la Tour, organist

#17 – To You, O God, All Creatures Sing– G. Kirchengesan, Tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen, Recessional w/Descant; Galen Tate, organist