Annual Member Meeting and Scholarship Winner Recital

May 22, 2021 4:00 PM

We were pleased to host Elena Baquerizo for her scholarship winner recital Saturday, May 22, 2021. Stop and listen to this wonderful concert - click on title to play.

“Alleluia” from Five Liturgical Inventions – Victor Togni 

Prelude and Fugue in B minor, BMW 544 – J. S. Bach

Sketches for Pedal-piano, Op. 58 & Op. 47 – Robert Schumann
Prelude and Fugue in F minor, Op. 7 no. 2 – Marcel Dupre

Carillon de Westminster, Op. 54 no 6 – Louis Vierne 

Photo Gallery

Event Details

Join us for a very special evening. We are thrilled to have 2018 M. Louise Miller – Paul E. Knox Scholarship Competition Winner – Elena Baquerizo join our annual recital program and reception on the First Congregational Church, Fairfield Klais III/41 rank pipe organ.

This will be a socially-distanced event and masks are required for the safety of all. Thank you.

Annual Member Meeting Followed by Scholarship Winner Recital

The evening starts at 6:00 PM for chapter members with a brief annual meeting and election of officers.  Nibbles and beverages provided with a chance to catch up with fellow colleagues. The recital continues at 8:00 PM in the beautiful sanctuary. The recital is open to the public – suggested donation; free to chapter members.

About Our Performer

Elena Baquerizo (2018 Scholarship Winner)

Elena Baquerizo is a rising organist recognized for her sensitive musicianship in concert and church performance. She has been the recipient of several awards for organ performance, including first prize in the ECU Ninth Annual Young Artists Competition and third prizes in the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival and Rodgers√Ç¬Æ North American Classical Organ Competition. A Florida native, she has held the position of organist and choir member of the National Shrine of St. Philomena (Miami, FL) and later St. Mary’s Assumption Chapel (St. Marys, KS). Miss Baquerizo received her AA in Liberal Arts from St. Mary’s College (St. Marys, KS), graduating as valedictorian. She is currently beginning a BM in organ performance at the Juilliard School in the studio of Paul Jacobs. For the past eight years she has studied organ with Thomas Schuster. Miss Baquerizo is also passionate about the piano and has won third place in the Ray Millette Young Artist Concerto Competition and appeared as a soloist with the Alhambra Orchestra in Ransom-Everglades School (Coconut Grove, Florida), as well as given solo piano recitals in Reilly Arts Center (Ocala, FL) and Miami-Dade College’s McCarthy Hall.

Click here
to learn more about the M. Louise Miller – Paul E. Knox Scholarship Competition for 2021.

We look forward to seeing our colleagues and friends of the chapter at this wonderful event. Don’t miss it!

Hosts – Galen Tate, John Polo