2010 Region I Teen Pipe Organ Encounter

June 07, 2010 12:00 PM

The Greater Bridgeport AGO Chapter in cooperation with the New Haven and Fairfield West AGO Chapters hosted an exciting week of instruction for 34 very special young organists using 30+ area church pipe organs. Enjoy some of the many photos, audios and programs from that special week in June 2010.

2010 Pipe Organ Encounter Week – June 27-July 2

Christopher Houlihan and the 2010 Region I POE Students at the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford

The Greater Bridgeport AGO in cooperation with the New Haven and Fairfield West AGO Chapters hosted an exciting week of instruction for 34 very special young organists. The Pipe Organ Encounter (POE) is one of the most successful education programs for young organist. Each year 4-5 POEs are held across the United States. It:

  • Is a 4-5 day event organized by a local AGO chapter under the sponsorship of the national organization. It introduces participants to the world of the pipe organ.
  • Is a national program sponsored by the American Guild of Organists. Students are admitted to POEs on a first-come, first-served basis, regardless of attendance at prior POEs, and regardless of state or country of residence, as long as they meet the following eligibility guidelines: Students should be aged 13-18, be interested in the pipe organ, and have piano or organ proficiency ranging from early intermediate to advanced.
  • Provides an opportunity for students to have individual and group instruction in the basic rudiments of pipe organ technique and service playing.
  • Provides a general overview of organ literature, history, pipe organ construction and design, improvisation and other related topics.
  • Provides an opportunity for participation in ecumenical worship, so as to experience the role of the sacred musician.
  • Most of all, provides a unique opportunity for participants to meet and interact with peers who have similar interests.

This web page contains links to numerous events, venues and performers that made this is exceptional experience for all involved. Please enjoy the photos, videos, and programs that captured the excitment of that week.

Our host location – we were pleased to be use the wonderful housing and worship facilities of Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT and the new Casavant pipe organ at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit.

The Week at a Glance

June 27 – Sunday – Frederick Teardo Organ Recital Program at United Congregational Church, Bridgeport

June 28 – Monday – David Harris, Juan Cardona – Silent Film, Theatre Organ Demo, Thomaston Opera House , Thomaston
Photo Gallery

June 29 – Tuesday – Chris Houlihan – First Presbyterian Church, Stamford
Photo Gallery

June 30 – Wednesday – Faculty Recital – The Cathedral of Saint Augustine, Bridgeport
Photo Gallery
Video – Organist Josiah Armes performs Allegro, from Vierne Symphony 2 (Louis Vierne)
Video – Organist Jeffrey Wood performs Acclamations from “Suite Medievale” (Jean Langlais)
Video – Organist Dr. John MIchniewicz performs Sonata De Clarines (Antonio Soler)
Video – Organists Jeffrey Wood and Galen Tate perform Variations on an Easter Theme Duet (John Rutter)

July 1 – Thursday – Visit of the Historic Organs of New Haven and Yale University
Photo Gallery

July 2 – Friday – Student Recital – Chapel of the Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield
Photo Gallery

Daily Rehearsals in 20 area churches and pipe organs
Photo Gallery


The 2010 Region I Faculty at the Catherdral of Saint Augustine, Bridgeport

The 2010 POE Students and Faculty at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield